Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

Language Testing Group 6

Log Unhalu2000
LILI NUR INDAH SARI    (A1D2 07 166)
OMI NURAINUN              (A1D2 08 058)
AIDIL   AKBAR               (A1D2 08 092)
This is our LT project that is collecting some kinds of test. In this project, we set up some activities: collecting some types of test, reporting the result, and posting the project activity in internet (Facebook)
In this project, we found many number of questions of three tests. They were vocabulary test that consist of seven types of test, speaking test that consist of three types of test and the last is listening test that consist of five types of test.
            The purpose of this project was to collect some samples of test including vocabulary, listening and speaking test.
            These tests we were provided were suitable for people in general, from elementary school until college students. These tests were used in TOEFL to measure the TOEFL score of students, to measure the speaking ability of the students, listening skills, and also to measure the vocabulary acquisition of students.
1. Omi Nurainun:
Collecting The Vocabulary tests

2. Lili Nur Indah Sari:
Collecting The Speaking tests

3. Aidil Akbar:
Collecting The Listening tests.
I. Vocabulary test
Vocabulary test is a test that used to measure our vocabulary. A vocabulary test divided into 7 parts, they are showing objects, exhibition, giving equivalent, synonyms, antonyms, mention words, and complete sentence.
·         Showing object
In this test, teachers provide an object, like pictures and then explain it to the students. This kind of tests is suitable for elementary school, junior high school, and sometimes it can be for senior high school.
1.        this is classroom
2.       this is a computer
From www.enchantedlearning.com
·         Exhibition
In this kind of tests, teacher exhibit the word to the student in some ways to make students understood what they meant. This kind of test is suitable for elementary school.
1.      Angry                                            4. Cry
2.      Walking                                         5. Singing
3.      Laugh
From www.worsleyschool.net
·         Equivalent words
In this test, teacher provides the meaning of the words so students can remember that. This kind of test is suitable for people in general, because all people can memorize the words.
Test from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/equivalent+word
1.      Student                 :           siswa
2.      Tailor                     :           penjahit
3.      Sailor                     :           pelaut
4.      Curtain                  :           gorden
5.      Mature                   :           dewasa
·         Synonyms
Synonyms are words that are similar or have a related meaning to another word. They can be lifesavers, especially when you want to avoid repeating the same words over and over. Here we provide example of words synonym test. This test is suitable for people in general, because it consist of the adjectives that are commonly used to describe people.
Test from http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/words/synonyms.htm
1.      Beautiful              : Attractive, Pretty, Lovely, stunning
2.      Fair                       : Just, Objective, Impartial, Unbiased
3.      Funny                   : Humorous, Comical, Hilarious, Hysterical
4.      Happy                   : Content, Joyful, Mirthful, Upbeat
5.      Hardworking       : Diligent, Determined, Industrious, Enterprising
6.      Honest                  : Honorable, Fair, Sincere, Trustworthy
7.      Intelligent             : Smart, Bright, Brilliant, Sharp
8.      Introverted                       : Shy, Bashful, Quiet, Withdrawn
9.      Kind                     : Thoughtful, Considerate, Amiable, Gracious
10.  Lazy                      : Idle, Lackadaisical, Lethargic, Indolent
·         Antonyms
Antonyms are words that have opposing or nearly opposing meanings in one particular dimension. Here we give some samples of words antonym test.  These tests are suitable for junior high school until senior high school students because the words are composed from easy to medium level of words.
Ø  Test from www.educationbug.org/a/antonyms.html
1.      on                          x                      off
2.      present                   x                      absent
3.      alive                       x                      dead
4.      permit                    x                      forbid
5.      remember              x                      forget
6.      true                        x                      false
7.      parent                    x                      child
8.      teacher                   x                      student
9.      winner                   x                      loser
10.  male                       x                      female
Ø  Test from http://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-antonyms.html
1.      Occupied and vacant
2.      Push and pull
3.      Interior and exterior
4.      Servant and master
5.      Former and latter
6.      Exhale and inhale
7.      Identical and different
8.      Exit and entrance
9.      Sink or float
10.  Fantasy and reality
·         Mention words
This test is used to measure the vocabulary acquisition of student in TOEFL. This test is suitable for students in college because the vocabulary level is more difficult.
TOEFL Vocabulary Test from http://www.vocaboly.com/vocabulary-test/toefl401.php


n. a god
n. a ludicrous and complete failure
adj. extravagantly romantic or idealistic; highly impractical
n. evenness of temper or mind

n. a superficial appearance or show designed to impress one with superiority
n. one who advocates extreme basic changes
adj. profuse or generous; given to extravagance
adj. bulging or swelling out

v. to make good; to recover
adj. sentimental to the point of tears
adj. entertaining
adj. inclined, through some whim or fancy change the mind, purpose, or actions suddenly

n. scarcity
v. to punish or criticize severely
v. to cause, produce, or stir up
adj. habitually fond of associating in a company or herd

n. honesty, moral soundness
adj. liable to make mistakes or be deceived
adj. possessing similar interests and tastes; able to get on well with others
adj. very heavy; clumsy
·         Complete the sentence
This test from http://www.dailywritingtips.com/vocabulary-test-1
1.     The little dog always _____________to every person who comes to Mr. Wuryanto’s house. (bark)
2.     The boy scouts are passing the river ___________ a shallow path. (through)
3.     If you want to explore the ________ you must prepare a light and rope. (cave)
4.     When you have finished using my computer, you must ________it down. (shut)
5.     The rainy season comes; some people in my village fix the _______of their house to prevent it from leaking. (roof)
In teaching speaking that importance the content and meaning in oral delivery of messages, various forms and ways can be used. The form of teaching speaking can be controlled, with the content and type of discourse that defined or limited, or may also be free, depending on the desires and speaker. So did in the language tests, the speaking test can be held by a controlled and free. Implementation of speaking test in a controlled manner may take the form of tell a picture (short telling) or retelling the story that noted earlier (oral / written).While in free manner, the test participant were given the freedom to define their own. The following are the three forms of speaking test
1.     Short Telling Test
Short telling test is a test that requires testing participants to tell a given topic in a nutshell.
:: Example of Short Telling Test ::
Examiner                    : I'd like you tosaying how you would feel walking on the paths !
Alex(20 second)         : The land is quite flat, so you can see far into the distance.My home town is surrounded by mountains, so it is unusual to see that kind of scenery there.I would like to cycle along that path with my friends.
2.    Retelling Test
Retelling test is the test when the students tell the story he/she has read/listen in his/her own words. It provides an opportunity for students to process what they have read by organizing it and explaining it to others.
:: Example of Retelling test ::
Narrator :
Now listen to (recorder) two students who aretalking about the plan!
Man                : I don’t like to cook, butI don’t like to eat in the cafetaria every dayeither
Woman                       : True. The food does get kind of same old same old
Man                : My point exactly. And besides, I go home about every other weekend, so paying formy meals when I’m not there doesn’t make a lot of sense.
Woman                       : Right. So you’ll probably sign up for the five-day plan next semester
Man                : I already did. If I want to eat in the cafetaria some weekend, I can just buy a meal, but  I’d probably go out somewhere with my friends if I’m here over the weekend.
Woman           : Well, I don’t  go home on the weekends  as much as you do, but I still eat out a lot on  the weekends.
Man                : So the five-day plan might work out better for you, too. I’m really gladto have the  option.
Narrator :
The man expresses his opinion of the new meal plan. Report his opinion, and explain the reasons that he gives for having that opinion
3.    Free Speaking Test
Free speaking test is one of the speaking test in which the students talk by arranging several key points that related to specific topics.
:: Example of Free Speaking Test ::
Now, I'd like you to talk about something together for about three minutes. I'm just going to listen. Here are some pictures suggesting ways you might try to improve your English.

Talk to each other about how useful you find each of the ways of studying, and then agree with each other on three that you would both recommend to a friend.You have only about three minutes for this, so, once again, don't worry if I stop you and please speak so that we can hear you. Alright?
So, Alex, let's take turns to choose a method of studying. Which way do you like best?
I think that learning English on a computer is the best way. There is a lot of useful information on the internet.
Yes, I agree. We can study at any time by ourselves. But I find English conversation most difficult, so talking to people is good for me.
Meeting people is enjoyable, too. It's easier to learn English if you can enjoy yourself at the same time.
Watching English films is fun, don't you think? Many videos and DVDs have sub-titles, making it easier to understand what is being said.
Yes, but I think I learn more by watching British television programmes.
What sort of programmes do you think are useful for studying English?
Well, you can improve your listening by watching soap operas. You can hear how people really talk. And you can learn a lot about British culture by watching the news and documentaries.
Yes, in Japan I used to watch BBC World, a British news channel on satellite television. You can learn a lot by reading newspapers too, but I don't buy a newspaper very often. What about you?
I sometimes read the Metro, a free morning newspaper. My host family buys The Times each day, but it is a bit difficult for me to understand.
Let's see ... which pictures have we missed? We haven't mentioned books or cassette tapes yet.
Grammar books and dictionaries are important, aren't they? We can use them to improve our writing and to learn new words.
Of course. I think we should make books one of our three recommended methods. Do you agree?
Yes, let's do that. What about tapes?
I sometimes buy tapes with my grammar books or reading books, but they are quite expensive.
I like listening to British music tapes or CDs, but it is hard to understand the words.
You can study the lyrics, but maybe you can't learn so much vocabulary that way.
I think the pen represents writing letters. I had an English pen-friend when I was in Switzerland. That was a good way of learning English.
Yes, but I prefer writing e-mails or using voice mail on the computer. You can get a reply more quickly.
That's true. I don't write so many letters these days - I use the computer at the internet cafe.
I think we've mentioned all of the methods. Let's choose the three we will recommend.
We both seemed to think computers are useful.
Yes, and we agreed that books should be one of our choices.
So which one shall we choose for the third method? I nominate videos and films.
Personally I believe that meeting people is more important. If you have English-speaking friends, you will keep on studying.
OK. Sometimes it can be difficult to make friends with native English speakers, but knowing how to talk English is important for work or for travel.
So shall we make our recommendations?
Yes, let's do that.
I suggest the following. First: computers, second: books, third: talking to people. Do you agree?
Yes. Computers, books and conversations are all good ways of studying English.
Thank you.
Listening tests conducted with the sound of oral discourse as a test material that can be played directly by a speaker or just through recordings. Discourse that has been played it is accompanied by tasks to be performed or questions to be answered.
The following are some example of listening test ;
1.       1. Answer The Question (Phrase)
Example ;

Girl          : What do you think of my chicken curry, Dad?
Man         :  . . . . . . . . . . . .

     A. It is impossible
     B. I like chicken curry
     C. I'm satisfied with it
     D. I am sure
 (from :Detik-detik Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Intan Pariwara/2009, hal.109 no.2)
2.      2. Answer The Question (Sentences)
Example ;

Man          : What do  you think of the service in this hotel ?
Woman    : I have no complaint about it. What about you?
Man          : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Narrator   :
     A. I have no information about it.
     B. It's a good idea. I've ever stayed in the hotel.
     C. I'm really satisfied with the service too.
     D. I doubt whether he was the hotel's attendant.
from :Detik-detik Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Intan Pariwara/2009, hal.119 no.9)
4.     3. Answer The Question (Discourse)
Example ;

I have a neighbor named  Mr. Joko. He has a large park behind his house. there is a mango tree there. some flowers also grow well there. what I like about the park is the fish pond in the middle and a cow eating in its cage.

     Which picture goes with the description of Mr. Joko's park?

(from :Detik-detik Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Intan Pariwara/2009, hal.123 no.11)
5.      4. Retelling
Example ;
Listen the record and retell the story !
ONCE upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess; but she would have to be a real princess. He traveled all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. There were princesses enough, but it was difficult to find out whether they were real ones. There was always something about them that was not as it should be. So he came home again and was sad, for he would have liked very much to have a real princess. One evening a terrible storm came on; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was heard at the city gate, and the old king went to open it.

9 komentar:

sartika Dae mengatakan...

sartika Dae said :
this is a good article, the content is good and clear but it's better if the writer include the level that suitables with the test in each form of testing, such as complete the sentences form (vocabulary test), all of form of speaking test and listening test, and than for antonyms and complete the sentences test (vocabulary test)would be better if the writer put the intruction in the test so the students can more understand what should they do. additional, we can also made the other form of antonyms test such as multipel choice test.

Nurul Azizah mengatakan...

This is a good posting, provide information about the kinds of test, and also provide complete sources, include the introduction in conducting the the test, the purpose and so on. but there are something that the writer forget to put in this posting, it is about the appropriate level of the test. so we can't know the level of appropriate, what is the test appropriate for the some student and others. I recommended, in another posting to put the appropriate test with the level of students need.

Sri Yuliani .M (A1D2 09 006) mengatakan...

I agree with other statement that this is a good article, because the writer give us clear explanation about the sample of the test, and also this is an interesting article because writers give different color for every part of test,so we as the reader didn't bored to read your article. thannkksss... ^_^

Sitti Finartin mengatakan...

I agree with others, overall your paper is good for the reader who looking for about what is Language Testing

Himaya mengatakan...

I am sorry for the late of my comment, in my opinion those example test are good and have clear source it make the reader easy to understand...

Lili Nur Indah Sari mengatakan...

Thanks very much for all suggestion that given to our group. We will try to make it even better.

Anonim mengatakan...

Sorry for being late in responding to group’s work. All right, group 6. You have described the project as it is also done by group 4. You also have included such elements as references, test explanation and how the test is used etc. As for the test, you seem to include the answer key version. I’m wondering how the real test look like.

winda mulandari (A1D209060) mengatakan...

i think this material good enough. because the explanation of the material is suitable with the content. and i think if the reader reads this material, the reader can interest because this project design by the written are very good :)

zulkifli mengatakan...

while I read the group six's works, I learn about the test vocabulary which to learn about synonym, antonym and mention words to help me in to learn about vocabulary because, it still many words's not yet I have been to remember and I learnt the forms of antonym and synonym words in vocabulary test. A synonym is a word or expression that has nearly the same meaning as another word or expression. Synonyms tend to be adjectives, adverbs and verbs, with relatively few nouns qualifying as true synonyms and For example “big”
(an adjective), “slowly” (an adverb) and “talk” (a verb) all have synonyms, while “sock” (a noun) does not. Synonyms are fun to learn using matching and pick-it games. and while I learnt the synonym test, the Synonym tests ask me to select a word’s synonym from a list of choices, or to read a sentence and decide which word is similar in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence. and also, while I learnt the speaking test from group six, I taking the some of comprehension about speaking test like sort telling test, retelling test and free speaking test and the example about them the one of them retelling text, and I think retelling text may be oral or written and it is important to teach student how to retell the story and what will be expected of their retelling and many others I learnt from group six and I think the works of group six is good and they are to give me the comprehension about the parts listening test, vocabulary test and speaking test. zulkifli ( A1D208070 )

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